Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Volume 25 - Number 3 July - 1981

Original Articles
Short Communication
Letter to Editor

Original Articles

Lens Aldose Reductase in Diabetic and Galactosemic Cataracts : Parmar N S and Ghosh M N ...193

EXperimental Spike and Wave EEG Pattern from Thalamic Stimulation in Anaesthetized Juvenile Monkeys : David J, Marathe S B, Patil S D, Wagle G P and Grewal R S...201

Arrest Reaction with Concomitant Spike and Wave Afterdischarge following Thalamic Stimulation in Conscious Juvenile Monkeys with AI (H)3 Focal Prernotor Lesions : David J, Marathe S B, Patil S D and Grewal R S...209

Circadian Rhythms in a Few Species of Tropical Bats : Chandrashekaran M K, Subbarej R and Sripathi K ...219

Muscular Training through Localized In Vivo Hectrlcal Stirnulations : Moorthy Narasimha C V, Reddanna P and Govindappa S ...229

Morphine Hyperthermia in Rats : Role of Neurochemical Substances in Brain : Prakash Udai and Dey P K...237

Cardiovascular Effects of Acetaldehyde in Guineapigs : Mohan Madan, Rai U C, Reddy L P, Prasanna C V and Ramakrishnan S...246

Chronopharmacology and Optimisation of Dosage Schedule : Doshi B S...253

Effect of Acephate (Orthene) on Tissue Levels of Thiamine, Pyruvic Acid, Lactic Acid, Glycogen and Blood Sugar : Deotare S T and Chakrabarti C H ...259

Effect of Mersalyl at Cholinoceptive Sites : Bansinath M, Bose A Chandra, Hema S and Guruswami M S ...265

Neuropharmacological Actions of some Newly Synthesized Mannich Bases : Tongia S K and Trivedi C P...269

Effect of Ethosuximide on Dopaminergically Mediated Behaviours : Jadhav J H, Balsara J J, JeurkarA J and Chandorkar A G...274

Short Communication

Continuous Illumination and Oogenesis in Albino Rabbits : Hasan W, Chandra P and Prasad J N ...279

The Use of. Combustion Technique of Tissue Processing for the Study of the Distribution of 14C-Sallicylate In Rats after Oral Administration : Saran-Kumar K V ...285

Variations in Brain and Heart Acetvlcholine Content in Rat : Cervical Dislocation VS Guillotine Technique : Venkataraman B V, Shetty P S and Joseph Thangam ....289

Letter to Editor

Potentiated Anticonvulsant Effect against Audiogenic Seizure with Frusemide and Diphenylhydantoin Sodium : Tongia Sudhir Kumar : 292

Effect of Solar Eclipse on Isoproterenol Treated Rats : Kela A K, Thombre D P, Reddy L P and Rai U C...295

An Antihistamine Antagonises Emesis due to an Antihistamine : Tongia Sudhir Kumar and Goyal Chhaya ...297